
Bush Visits U.S. Troops

I have been reading for months now all the comments regarding our presence in the gulf and why we are there.

There is a great paucity of opinions that reflect the memory of the beginnings of the Second World War. If we had taken a firm stand at the beginning of Hitler’s rampage across Europe, we might have saved millions of lives (Jews and others) and billions in military costs and destruction. We are at that exact point now with Saddam Hussein and Iraq. Appeasement didn’t work then and it won’t work now.

It is everyone’s responsibility, including the United States. It is not just a question of oil and greed. This man Hussein must be stopped now. Not to do so now is risking a mass worldwide conflagration and destruction that will exceed that of World War II. I am not a great fan of President Bush, but I think he is is on the right path in this situation.



Panorama City
