
Another Side to School Story

I am writing about your article on Oak Ridge Private School (“Noisy New Neighbor Shows Up on Block,” Nov. 21). More exactly, I am writing about the duty inherent in the exercise of privilege.

I would have hoped that the reporters, as professional journalists, would have taken the time to investigate the entire story rather than only one side. The obvious slant with which this story was written leads me to believe that the reporters were either sloppy in their research attempts or that they intentionally misrepresented facts. Neither makes sense. Neither is acceptable.

The guarantee of freedom of speech and expression is a treasure that we all enjoy, and few invoke its guarantees more vociferously than the press. But at what cost do you, as professionals, eschew the spirit of the law for the letter?


No one cares more about safety precautions being met at the school than do the parents of the children. Never was there any questioning of the need for fire doors, as the article insinuated. Oak Ridge has been held to, and has met, safety standards that are higher than those for public schools in Santa Ana.

The Constitution’s guarantee of freedom of speech is something that my child, as a student at Oak Ridge Private School, will learn about. He will also learn about fairness and truth and that, inherent in any privilege, is the responsibility to exercise these freedoms with integrity and honor.

