
High School Students Display Their Anti-Gulf War Sentiments

I read the article on high school students protesting our nation’s efforts in the Middle East with great disappointment (“High Schoolers Demonstrate Anti-War Sentiments,” Nov. 22).

As a retired secondary school teacher, I can remember the pride expressed by my history students for their country’s stands for justice and democracy. It appears that this present generation no longer possesses this quality.

Of course, no sane, reasonably adjusted person is in favor of war, but there are worse things.


Doesn’t the quality of life count for anything anymore? Or is it simply the quantity that matters, regardless of its meaning or quality?

These students should be exposed to historically proven long-term results of appeasing and rewarding military dictators. The consequences are far worse, in terms of human degradation and loss of life, than following our President’s present course could ever be.

This is true, even if this course results in a short-term war, if this war destroys Saddam’s ability to be an even greater threat to the whole world in the future.


Have their teachers failed them? Or is this simply an indication of a whole generation that no longer sees quality, pride, reputation, justice and meaningful existence as important?

