
Agent as Matchmaker

I am a broker, with 20 years experience in residential real estate. Robert J. Bruss presents complicated issues in a straightforward manner and I often use his columns to get an idea across to clients.

But I must take exception to “Whom Does the Realtor Really Represent?” (Nov. 4). Comparing a real estate agent representing both buyer and seller with an attorney representing both parties in a divorce is not valid. In my view, a truer comparison would liken the agent to a matchmaker.

Agent and matchmaker act as go-betweens--helping each party understand the other’s need in the transaction. A good real estate agent helps the seller to sell and the buyer to buy, goals they have set for themselves.


This is not in the adversarial nature of an attorney, but in the cooperative nature of matchmaker. If either party feels shortchanged, for any reason, the transaction is not truly successful for an ethical agent.

Commissions are only one goal. Satisfied, no, delighted, clients are more important.


Rancho Palos Verdes
