
A Guide to the Best of Southern California : PETS : Those Darn Cats

‘IF THERE REALLY IS a Santa Claus, why can’t he make cats and dogs live in harmony?” asks kitty Clementine in the gift catalogue operated by her owner, the Crazy Cat Lady--”the first catalogue for cats with finicky owners.” Among this season’s selection of cat-related products are the Santa Hat (one size fits most, $6), the Kitty Yarmulke ($6), and personalized holiday photo ornaments, for which a snapshot of your pet is made into a festive tree trimmer ($12 and $15).

The Crazy Cat Lady has dedicated her life to freeing cats and cat owners from a life of boring toys and unsightly litter boxes. “Most cat products are so unattractive, it’s no wonder cats have four eyelids.” Each product is introduced with a playful little tale revealing the story behind its creation. Year-round favorites include the handsome, “cat-proof” hand-screened, hardwood litter-box cover, black with white geometrical cat designs ($60), which also comes in a granite finish; the Futon Bed ($70); and the Scratching Post ($75), which resembles the Dog Next Door.

If you’re sick and tired of sharing your favorite chair with Fluffy, you can order the Deco Club ($325) or furry cut-pile Dalmation ($315) chair. “Now,” the Crazy Cat Lady says, “just hope your kitties won’t yell at you when they come home and catch you sitting on their chair.”


To receive a catalogue, send $1 to P.O. Box 691920, Los Angeles 90069; or telephone (213) 656-7001.
