
MCA Buyout by Japanese

It made me mad as hell when I read of the Japanese takeover of MCA. They already own Columbia Pictures, several hotels, some of our major golf courses and nearly half of the office space in downtown Los Angeles--and now their buying spree has claimed one of our biggest home-grown companies. Who’s next? Disney?

I know the culprit well. I helped Matsushita in its takeover of MCA, and I’m helping other Japanese companies with their acquisitions. My first television set was a Panasonic, although U.S. companies were still making them; my tape recorder is a Panasonic, and I just bought a Quasar VCR--all products of Matsushita.

I own two Japanese made cars, and I assure you that I will be indignant as hell when the last American car rolls off the assembly line.


IRWIN W. FISK, Pasadena
