
OJAI VALLEY : Group to Discuss Planning Policies

The Ventura River Valley Municipal Advisory Council meets tonight to discuss several major planning policies for the Ojai Valley.

The five-member council advises the County Board of Supervisors on development issues in the unincorporated communities of Oak View, Mira Monte, Meiners Oaks and Casitas Springs.

County planners will report on the progress made in revising the Ojai Valley Area Plan, a master plan for development throughout the Ojai Valley into the next century. Members will be selected to serve on the plan’s advisory committee.


Ojai Planning Director Bill Prince will present a report on the city’s Maricopa Specific Plan.

The council also will receive the Ojai city manager’s 13-page report on the proposal to annex surrounding unincorporated areas.

Before the discussions, the council will select a candidate to fill the remaining term of a member who moved from the area. The public meeting is at 7:30 p.m. in the Oak View Community Center, 18 Valley Road.
