
Proposal to Ban Leaf Blowers

The Del Mar City Council listened to pleas from its citizens for relief and passed an ordinance, over a year ago, banning leaf blowers completely.

The issue was not noise alone. The council’s broader health concern was the gratuitous disbursement of pollen, dust, molds, dried animal and bird droppings and gas fumes.

It was apparent that blowers do exactly that--they blow. They merely move filth from one place to another.


The ban is supported by real gardeners and horticulturists who recognize that foliage covered with dust is prone to disease and subsequent spraying.

Our neighborhoods and business areas are once again as quiet as they were 15 years ago. Now we hear the simple, gentle sound of rakes and brooms. And, perhaps allergy seasons are shortened.

We hope that Los Angeles Councilman Marvin Braude’s measure passes!


Del Mar
