
Scale of the Jail: Why the Residents Are Worried

I read with interest the ongoing discussions about the location of the Orange County Jail. I read with dismay the proposals to put the new jail in any location other than adjacent to the existing jail in the Civic Center in Santa Ana.

I believe that in this matter the supervisors are bowing to pressure and abrogating their responsibilities to Orange County residents as a whole.

The reasons for locating the jail adjacent to the existing jail appear to be obvious. They are:


* It will be less expensive. The county already owns the land.

* It will facilitate administration and will cut down on the expense of transportation of prisoners from the jail to court. The logistic problem inherent in moving prisoners from a jail in another location to court in the Civic Center is staggering, and overtime will probably double the actual cost of the jail.

* It will result in greater convenience to all concerned--the sheriff’s office, the prisoners and the judges.

