
3 Criminal Complaints Cite Asbestos Violations

Calling improper building demolitions a major source of airborne asbestos, Los Angeles city prosecutors Thursday filed three criminal complaints accusing building owners and contractors of asbestos violations at demolition sites in Van Nuys and Los Angeles.

The three misdemeanor cases, along with four others filed last month in Municipal Court, appear to be the first criminal prosecutions under a new regulation that tightened controls on demolition and renovation of asbestos-containing buildings, regional air quality officials said. City prosecutors said they expect to file complaints in other cases soon.

Asbestos, a fibrous mineral once widely used in floor tiles, roofing, insulation and other building materials, has been linked to lung cancer and mesothelioma, a rare and almost invariably fatal form of cancer. Asbestos materials are safe when intact, but when broken or pulverized can release fibers that are hazardous if inhaled.
