

We can appreciate a child’s fancy and devotion over a beloved toy, although the only plaything we had growing up was a board with a rusty nail at the end.

Some toys are immortalized in song.

And then there’s “The Dreidel Song.”

A co-worker who sits next to us, a mother of two who shall go unnamed, has been singing this song for the last week. Now she has us singing it too. This is how part of it goes:

Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel,

I made it out of clay,

and when it’s dry and ready,

the dreidel I will play.

Repeat 3,000 times. There are other verses, but to hear them you’ll have to get down to the fourth annual Children’s Hanukkah Concert being held today at the Wadsworth Theater on the grounds of the Veterans Administration in West Los Angeles. It will feature children’s entertainers Marcia Berman, Dan Crow, Uncle Ruthie Buell, J. P. Nightingale (John and Pam Wood) and Fred Sokolow. Show times are 11 a.m., 1 and 3 p.m. Ticket prices vary. For information call (213) 559-2665 or (818) 342-6657.
