
Panel Told to Reconsider License of Developer

A Los Angeles Superior Court judge has ruled that the California Coastal Commission erred in revoking the license of a Malibu developer accused of grading 14 times the amount of earth his permit allowed, and must reconsider the matter. Although it is a victory for developer Sheldon Gordon, Judge David P. Yaffe’s decision may have little impact on Gordon’s proposal to build four luxury homes in Malibu’s exclusive Sweetwater Mesa area because it leaves the future of the controversial project up to the commission to decide.

But Deputy Atty. Gen. Steven H. Kaufmann said the ruling represents “a Pyrrhic victory at best.” “In determining that, for technical reasons, the commission may have acted inappropriately, the judge’s decision does not remove the fact that Mr. Gordon still faces the commission’s judgment as to whether revocation should occur,” Kaufmann said.
