
Stressed Out by Muzak’s ‘Relaxing’ Noise

I am writing in regard to “Humming Right Along” (Dec. 19), which says Muzak is “not to annoy, but to reduce stress.”

I find this loud music extremely stressful, and many times I have had to leave my half-full cart and run out of the store. Isn’t there enough noise with normal things that happen in a market or drug store? Children crying, parents screaming at children, cash registers clanking, people talking--isn’t that enough?

On the street are the cars with the stereos blasting, at home the inconsiderate neighbors blasting their stereos, and now all the stores and restaurants blasting. And Muzak has the nerve to say this is not annoying or stressful?


We have new laws that protect the nonsmokers from having to breathe smoke. Now how about some laws that protect the ears and nerves of shoppers? Do we not have the right to select the type of music we want to hear, the time and place we want to hear it, and the volume?


