
VENTURA : 2 Chance Upon Hurt Woman in Ravine

Two women looking at a house for sale at nightfall Monday chanced upon a partially clad, bloodied woman on a rocky slope of a nearby ravine, Ventura police and witnesses said.

The unidentified woman, believed to be in her 30s, signaled to her rescuers with weak hand gestures and low moans but was in shock and unable to respond to detectives’ questions about what happened to her, said Ventura Police Sgt. Roger Nustad.

Police said they were unsure Monday night whether the woman had fallen into the Prince Barranca alongside Hall Canyon Road or was assaulted and left there.


Her two rescuers, who asked not to be identified, said they were surveying the rear yard of the vacant home in the 2700 block of Foothill Road when they chanced upon the victim. Had it been 15 minutes later, they said, it would have been too dark to spot her.

The victim was taken to Ventura County Medical Center, where she was in critical condition with head and facial injuries Monday night, a hospital spokeswoman said.

Police said they found no identification on the woman.
