
HEAD START: It’s only been two weeks...

HEAD START: It’s only been two weeks since Gov. Pete Wilson appointed Anaheim’s John Seymour to the U.S. Senate, but Seymour leads Rep. William E. Dannemeyer in the Times O.C. Poll. . . . Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton) is known to be ready to challenge Seymour in the 1992 GOP primary but won’t formally announce until just before the Feb. 22-24 state GOP convention, says spokesman Paul Mero. So Seymour’s lead is natural, Mero says, “given the fact that Seymour is an incumbent Republican senator with no challengers.”

Seymour Leading Among Local GOP

“If the Republican primary election for California’s U.S. senator were held today, who would you vote for?”

John Seymour: 40% Wm. E. Dannemeyer: 25% Other / Don’t Know: 35% By Section of Orange County


Other/ John Wm. E. Don’t Seymour Dannemeyer Know North 34% 28% 38% South 43% 23% 34%

Source: Times Orange County Poll
