
Teen-Ager’s Victimization

In response to The Times article, “Fugitive Catholic Priest From Glendale Charged With Molestation of Boy,” I would like to ask The Times where its humanity went when it decided to publish the details of this article.

There is enough violence in the world without ruining the life of a brilliant young man by revealing his identity. Yes, you did not reveal his name, but you may just as well have by telling the public that he was a receptionist at the church.

He happened to be the only male receptionist.

Why am I so distraught? I am the teacher of this brilliant young man who was responsible for bringing it to the attention of law enforcement officers. He is a sensitive child who was abused by an adult he trusted. Now, you have victimized him even further by revealing this sensitive information to his family, friends and the entire Glendale community.


The officers were especially considerate of this child when filing their case against the priest. However, you took it upon yourself to print your knowledge without regard to the feelings of the child or the ramifications this story had on the child and his family.

Somehow, I am going to have to help this child piece together the rest of his life and tell him that it is going to be OK. All this could have been prevented.

I leave you with one question: What if it were your child?

