
Hollywood Fete for Gulf Vets

I find it incredible that certain peace activists should wish to take part in the “Welcome Home Desert Storm Parade” and disappointing that they would be considered for participation. I spent each Saturday during the Gulf War at the Federal Building demonstrating support for our troops and our government’s policy. I also spoke at a teach-in at a local high school.

There were anti-war protesters whose motives were pure and who wished not to provoke, but to make a statement in which they strongly believed. For the most part, however, those of us who braved the larger contingents of the vocal minority encountered angry, bitter and hateful people representing every left-wing ax-grinding fringe group imaginable.

I feel certain that the reasonable peace activists I met would recognize the inappropriateness of their marching in a parade meant to celebrate the United States military, past and present. The other activists, however, still unwilling to accept the success of Operation Desert Storm, continue to feel the need to impose their political views on people who are just not interested in hearing them.



Los Angeles
