
The Michigan Bean Commission wants to tell...

The Michigan Bean Commission wants to tell you about the natural goodness of beans. Its members constantly remind those who will listen that beans are high in protein, iron and potassium and are an excellent source of dietary fiber. To get us to use more beans, the commission has put out a 48-page bean cookbook with dozens of recipes for preparing them. For a copy, send your name and address to: Michigan Bean Commission, P.O. Box 473-S, Leslie, Mich., 49251-0473.

To help educate people with diabetes and their families about the importance of diet and nutrition, the Kellogg Co., in cooperation with the American Diabetes Assn., has developed a free brochure called “Wake Up to Good Nutrition.” For a copy of the brochure and information on diabetes, write to: Kellogg Co., P.O. Box 5079, Battle Creek, Mich. 49016-5079.

For moms-to-be, the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation has put out an impressive package of 20 recipes and their nutritional information, plus tips on eating for two, as part of its campaign for healthier babies. If dishes such as asparagus salad, riso e patate (rice and potato soup) or shredded chicken with garlic sauce sound irresistible, call a local chapter of the March of Dimes and request the “Eating for Two” package.


Mrs. J. Muir of Canada has a problem: She is looking for a place to buy plastic kale for use on her salad bar. If anyone can help, she would appreciate hearing from you. Write Muir at 4811 16th St. N.E., Salmon Arm, B.C., V1E 4N1 Canada.
