
Police Sergeant Returned to Duty

A Glendale police sergeant who was placed on paid leave April 17 was returned to active duty this week. But he remained the focus of an unspecified investigation, a police spokesman said.

Sgt. Ricardo L. Jauregui, who won a discrimination suit against the department in 1986 and has two other suits pending against the city, returned to work Tuesday, Sgt. Peter A. Michael said. Jauregui oversees auto-theft investigations.

Michael said Jauregui was placed on leave so that he would not hinder internal affairs interviews with officers that he has supervised. The sergeant was allowed to return to active duty after the interviews were completed, Michael said.


Jauregui’s attorney has alleged that the department is retaliating against his client because of the lawsuits. City officials have denied that charge but have declined to discuss the nature of the investigation.
