
FULLERTON : College Wins First in Building Contest

For the second consecutive year, students from the Fullerton College construction technology department won first place in the second phase of the county Design/Build Competition.

The second competition of the two-phase contest, which began last fall and involved two teams, took place April 13-14 at Orange Coast College.

Contestants had to build an 8-by-10-foot house from the plans of Saddleback College, which won first place in the design portion of the contest. The winning design had to be approved by the college’s building departments.


Students were allowed two days to complete construction, said construction technology instructor Casey Mansfield. They were required to build the shell of the house and to install roofs, walls, doors, windows and weatherstripping.

The competition was organized by the Home Builders Council. Three kinds of groups competed--community colleges, high schools and members of the Orange County Regional Occupational Program. Saddleback College and Orange Coast College were the other college-level contestants.
