
West Hollywood : Cross-Driveway Parking

The City Council will consider a proposed ordinance Monday to allow residents to park across their own driveways, a measure intended to help solve the city’s continuing parking woes.

If approved, the measure will affect single-family residences throughout the city. It was recently approved by the Transportation Commission.

“The plan is to increase the amount of usable parking for residents,” said Joyce Hundal, the commission’s chairwoman. “In a city that is short on parking, it seems crazy not to allow residents to park in front of their own driveways.”


The proposal has faced resistance from some residents, who say that cars parked in driveways could block access for emergency vehicles and that non-residents will take advantage of it and block residents’ driveways.

Toby Fox, the city’s parking manager, said cars parked illegally will be ticketed and towed upon a resident’s complaint. Fox noted that Los Angeles already allows residents to park across their driveways.
