
Law Would Ban Protests at Homes

Responding to concerns about protests that target public officials’ homes, the Glendale City Council took a first step Tuesday toward enacting a ban on picketing at private residences.

Councilman Larry Zarian introduced the proposed ordinance, which will be returned for a full council vote Tuesday.

City Atty. Scott H. Howard said the measure is patterned after similar measures adopted by Los Angeles County, covering unincorporated areas, and by neighboring Burbank. He said such bans have been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court.


“The breach and invasion of privacy, the disruption of domestic tranquility and the obvious devastating effects of targeted picketing on the quiet enjoyment of the home, are ample grounds for narrowly prohibiting such activity, while allowing ample available alternatives for picketers to convey their message,” Howard said in a written report to the council.

Councilman Carl Raggio said picketing has already occurred in his Glendale neighborhood, where protesters demonstrated outside the home of Los Angeles County Supervisor Mike Antonovich. But Howard said the city has not had a problem with picketing outside the homes of council members.
