
Capital’s Streets Mostly Calm as Curfew Is Lifted

From United Press International

Mayor Sharon Pratt Dixon lifted a curfew in the capital’s riot-torn neighborhoods on Thursday but said she would reinstate it if more signs of unrest surface.

Although police said they had arrested 60 more people for violating the curfew Wednesday, the streets were mostly calm for a second consecutive night in the Mt. Pleasant and Adams-Morgan areas. Rioting broke out Sunday in the racially mixed neighborhoods after a black policewoman shot and wounded a Salvadoran man.

Police said that Daniel Gomez, 30, had lunged toward Officer Angela Jewell with a knife as she tried to arrest him for drinking in public. But some witnesses maintained that he was handcuffed when shot. He remained in critical but stable condition Thursday at Washington Hospital Center.


On Sunday and Monday nights, hundreds of young people fought running skirmishes with 1,000 officers, setting 17 fires, throwing rocks, destroying or damaging 66 police vehicles and 21 Metro buses and looting nearly three dozen stores and restaurants.

Police continued to maintain a heavy presence Thursday in the riot-affected areas, which are about two miles north of the White House.
