
Disney’s Plan for Lake Doesn’t Square With Reality of Drought

Re Disney expansion plans: Attention, drought-stricken residents of Orange County--and special notice to Anaheim residents. Please don’t wash your cars or water your lawns so Disneyland can build another lake.

If the water police stop by your home to warn you about wasting water just tell them you have promised the city at least $10 million a year . . . and can use as much as you like.

Did anyone notice the subject of drought never seems to be mentioned in the Disney water-based theme park expansion project? I have forgotten how to calculate how many gallons an acre-foot of water is, but I remember that it is a very large figure, so a six-acre lake several feet deep must be a huge amount.


The moral of the sorry story: money talks or . . . you can be exempt from conservation if you build a water-based park with environmental and ecological themes.

P.H. REAL, Westminster
