
Store Robbed of $100,000 in Jewels

Four armed men robbed a Northridge jewelry store Tuesday, smashing the display cases and taking about $100,000 in merchandise, police said.

None of the employees or customers were hurt in the robbery at Sharon Paul Diamonds & Fine Jewelry in the 11200 block of Tampa Avenue near Devonshire Street, said Los Angeles Police Sgt. Jim Darling.

The robbers, described only as 18 to 20 years old, fled in a late model, cream-colored four-door Oldsmobile, Darling said.


Two of the robbers involved in the 3 p.m. holdup were armed with handguns.

While they held the store owner and customers at gunpoint, the other two robbers used a hand ax to break the glass cases and grab the merchandise, Darling said.
