
Foxworth’s ‘Buycott’ Doesn’t Sell With Some

Regarding Robert Foxworth’s “Matching Wildmon’s Boycott With a ‘Buycott’ ” (June 3):

Foxworth uses buzz phrases like “cherish their freedoms” and “marketplace of ideas” to create the impression that a constitutionally guaranteed liberty is at stake. Evidently, in his mind, pornography and sexual aberration are “ideas” essential to an American’s pursuit of liberty and the realization of the good life.

The Rev. Donald E. Wildmon does not advocate censorship. He serves primarily as an informant to a large segment of the population as to the source of advertising dollars for various TV programs; this informed segment can then make its wishes known to the suppliers of those dollars.

The management of any corporation that feels that licentious programming is the right of all American citizens is free to follow that conviction and continue to sponsor such programs. How can that be considered censorship?



