
Lightning Over Braddock: A Rust Bowl Fantasy...

Lightning Over Braddock: A Rust Bowl Fantasy (Bravo Monday at 8 p.m., Tuesday at 12:30 a.m.). Documentarian Tony Buba’s honest, spirited and funny 1988 account of his dying western Pennsylvania steel mill town.

Marlene Dietrich Festival (Movie Channel Thursday at noon). Blonde Venus (1932) is the first of eight Dietrich films to air consecutively, constituting a 16-hour marathon in tribute to one of the movies’ most bewitching icons.

Salut Victor! (Channel 28 Friday at 11 p.m.). Anne-Claire Poirer’s delightful, poignant 1989 French-Canadian feature about a friendship that develops between two very different elderly gay men, the ebullient, uninhibited Victor (Jean-Louis Roux) and the austere, closeted Philippe (Jacques Godin), who meet in a retirement home.
