
Science / Medicine : A Study in Diversity on Santa Cruz Island

Imagine an island with diverse plant life, deep canyons, cliffs dropping away to the sea and secluded white sand beaches. Somewhere in the South Pacific? The Mediterranean? Actually, this island is only two hours from the Southern California coast--Santa Cruz Island.

The topographically diverse member of the Channel Islands will be the subject of a one-day educational trip offered by the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History in conjunction with the Nature Conservancy on Sept. 21.

The excursion will depart from Ventura Harbor aboard the Sunfish at 8 a.m. Once on the island, naturalists will lead visitors on a four-mile hike to survey the natural and cultural history of the Coches Prietos area on the south side of the island.


Participants will view a Chumash Indian archeological site and learn about the plants and animals of the coastal sage and chaparral communities found there.

Space is limited and the deadline for reservations is Wednesday. Call (805) 963-1067.


The 10th anniversary of NASA’s Voyager mission to Saturn and the astounding images sent back by the spacecraft will be the subject of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History’s planetarium program Saturdays and Sundays through Sept. 1. Call (805) 682-3224.

While it is not always apparent, objects seen in the sky are constantly moving. Planets orbit, stars rise and set, the moon passes through its phases. The current program at the Griffith Observatory, “The Dynamic Sky,” profiles these changes, daily at 3 and 7:30 p.m. with additional 4:30 p.m. shows on weekends. Call (213) 664-1191.



Children ages 4-6 and their parents can learn about trees by planting one together in a class offered by the El Dorado Nature Center in Long Beach on Aug. 31 at 9:30 a.m. Call (213) 421-9431, Ext. 3415.

The Westside Arts Center, on the lower level of the Santa Monica Pier, will offer children a chance to “travel through space” by creating space creatures, robots and other galactic items in a workshop on Sunday at 2 p.m. Reservations are required. Cal (213) 395-1443.


Naturalist Sig Othmer will discuss “Value Implications of Environmental Issues” at the San Fernando Valley Chapter meeting of the Sierra Club’s Natural Science Section on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Reseda Park Recreation Hall. Call (818) 789-3456.


Natural Science Section naturalists Kathy Keane and Avis Keedy will lead a three-day exploration of San Miguel Island in Channel Islands National Park the weekend of Sept. 27-29. Space is limited and reservations are required. Call (818) 445-6778 or (714) 650-0654.
