
CAMARILLO : Exxon Gives $10,000 to Casa Pacifica

Exxon Co. U.S.A. has made a $10,000 contribution to Casa Pacifica, a Ventura County children’s crisis center scheduled to open in Camarillo next year.

The donation fits into the public-private partnership philosophy that Casa Pacifica officials have adhered to while raising the estimated $8 million needed to construct the facility, said assistant campaign director Barbara Conway.

Construction is scheduled to begin this summer, Conway said, and the opening is planned for next summer.


The contribution was presented to Ventura County Supervisor Maggie Erickson Kildee and Casa Pacifica officials this week by Exxon Co. U.S.A. Western Production Division Manager Charlie Lyons, said company spokesman Bill Tanner.

“We really value the opportunity to participate in this type of public-private partnership,” Tanner said.
