
Pacific Conference to Match Investors With Developers

Pacific Resources ‘92, a major conference designed to match Pacific Basin investors and institutions with California builders and developers, will be held August 26-28 at La Costa Resort and Spa at La Costa.

Sponsored by the Los Angeles Times and the Building Industry Assn., the conference is expected to generate business opportunities for investors and builders, and provide a friendly interactive setting, said Michael Ning of Merrill Lynch International, the event chairperson.

“Unlike most Pacific Rim conferences, which are primarily service-oriented, featured participants will be the banks and investors that actually do the deals in construction lending and joint venturing,” Ning said. “We’re gathering the players . . . and we’re bringing the Asian money to the table.”


Ning stressed that the purpose of the conference is to get participants “to know each other, exchange ideas and promote mutually beneficial business opportunities through networking. We want to tap those money resources and we want to introduce those folks to our large contingent of residential builders and developers.”

Ning credits CORO Foundation, a leading public affairs institution serving as the event’s liaison consultant, with several innovative approaches. “Coro has designed a unique, pro-active environment. We’ll have some 20 roving facilitators available to introduce participants to one another, each of whom has been asked to bring at least 300 business cards.”

Conference speakers will include State Controller Gray Davis; Kenneth Leventhal, Kenneth Leventhal & Co.; Matt Fong, State Board of Equalization; Mark Sullivan, Asian Pacific Real Estate Group/Price Waterhouse; Phil Nicholson, Cox, Castle & Nicholson, and Charles W. Beck Jr., Fiduciary Trust International of California.


A series of seminars are scheduled with experts on building and real estate development, legal and financial procedures, architectural and design trends, offshore assets, restructuring partnerships and loans and crossing cultural bridges.

For additional information and reservations on the Pacific Resources ’92 Conference, call (310) 284-2120.
