
Family Doesn’t Need More Room

The Sept. 2 article on Port Hueneme’s plans to drop efforts for a 20-unit low-income apartment building quotes a woman who wants to move from an already subsidized two-bedroom unit to a new three-bedroom one. Her reason? So her two teen-age daughters “can have more privacy.”

I’m sorry she can’t afford the bigger apartment she wants, but more privacy for two kids (especially of the same sex) simply isn’t a good enough reason to ask other taxpayers to give her more rent money. Her children are certainly old enough to make or buy their own portable screens to divide their room if privacy is that important to them. The (free) library is full of magazines and books with all kinds of home improvment ideas, and they may find folding screens at a thrift shop. Get to work, kids.

Here’s to lower taxes for the rest of us.


