
A FORUM FOR COMMUNITY ISSUES : Getting Answers : What’s the Law Against Noise?

In the City of Los Angeles, there are approximately 5,000 fast - food restaurants. Many feature drive-through services with amplified sound systems. Add to this the increase in vehicle and pedestrian traffic, trash pick-ups and trucks loading and unloading at all hours, and you have a pretty noisy environment.

Unfortunately, many residential neighborhoods adjoin commercial streets with fast-food restaurants like this, and the residents suffer from the noise pollution these businesses bring. Fortunately, there are local ordinances governing noise of this nature , and yes, something can be done about it.

Given the scenario above, a business could be in violation of the following Los Angeles Municipal Code sections:

--Section 112.01 prohibits use or operation of an audible device that can be heard at a distance in excess of 150 feet from the property line of the noise source within a residential zone of the City.


--Section 113.01 prohibits refuse or garbage collection within 200 feet of a residence before 6 a.m. or after 9 p.m.

--Section 114.01 prohibits trucks or cars from loading and unloading before 7 a.m. or after 10 p.m. within 200 feet of a residence.

If you feel you are a victim of this type of noise pollution, the LAPD Noise Enforcement Team may be able to help. Call our automated complaint line during normal business hours at (213) 893-8120. For one-time problems, like persistent car alarms, call your local police station.


WILLIE L. WILLIAMS, Chief of Police

KENNETH D. HILLMAN, Sergeant , Officer-in-Charge Noise Enforcement Team
