
American Jews and the GOP

Sofaer does the American Jewish voting public a disservice by suggesting that more Jews should support the GOP because its policies are better for Israel than the Democratic Party’s. This premise is absurd.

American Jews who care about Israel’s security already take that concern with them when they vote. But they also consider a full panoply of other matters, not the least of which are domestic issues directly affecting the society in which they live.

The majority of American Jews, including many who are members of organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, have traditionally supported policies that count as their highest priorities a commitment to social justice and civil rights, appreciation of diversity, respect for individual rights and the elimination of poverty and want. This foolish “indulgence” is informed by the knowledge that, without these important social policies, Jews will be left without protection from the prejudices that often threaten not only them but other minority groups as well.


Jews, like members of other minority groups, do not have the luxury of discarding their interests when they vote. Sofaer’s affront, which belittles Jewish voting records as irrational and irresponsible, should be condemned by Republicans and Democrats alike.

STEVEN J. KAPLAN, President, American Jewish Congress Pacific Southwest Region
