
The Times’ quarterly survey of goods and...

The Times’ quarterly survey of goods and services commonly purchased by Southern California residents found a steep increase in the price of potatoes and a decrease in the cost of navel oranges. Rents remained stable, and monthly utility rates were unchanged, except for a 2% increase in residential electric rates by Southern California Edison. The Times surveys the same Southland markets at the end of each quarter to compile a snapshot of consumer prices in area grocery stores.

Highlight: Prices for a six-pack of beer declined sharply between June and September at supermarket check stands, according to the survey. “The beer industry is in a period of the most intense discounting ever seen,” said Ben Steinman, executive editor of Beer Marketer’s Insights, “and the industry was really hammered this summer.” Nationally, the industry chalked up volume gains of 2% through June, but by August, volume figures for the year were down 1%. During July and August, domestic brewers’ tax-paid shipments fell by 2.6 million barrels. Steinman attributes the weakness in the industry over the last quarter to a poor economy and cooler weather in the Midwest and East. Beer shipments decreased 2% during 1991, in part because of an excise tax increase and a recessionary economy. “Beer companies have been fighting for a piece of a shrinking pie over the last couple of years,” Steinman said. Moreover, beer shipments have been on a slow-growth path the last decade--about 0.5% per year--following a growth rate of 3% to 4% during the ‘60s and ‘70s. The slower long-term growth rate in the industry is the result of increasing awareness of alcohol abuse, health consciousness and shifting demographics, according to Steinman. Shelter

June Sept. % Chg. Rent (2-bedroom, unfurnished) $874.27 $872.00 **


June Sept. % Chg. Natural gas $17.32 $17.32 unchg. Telephone $27.42 ***** unchg.


June Sept. % Chg. DWP (500 kwh) $52.00 $52.00 unchg. SCE (500 kwh) $61.80 $62.76 +2% Water and sewer $47.24 $47.24 unchg. Water (DWP) $28.94 $28.94 unchg.



June Sept. % Chg. Chicken $1.49 $1.49 unchg. (per lb., best of fryer cut up) 13-oz. can of coffee $2.42 $2.27* -6% 1 doz. eggs (grade AA large) $1.57 $1.73* +10% 24-oz. wheat bread $2.14 $2.12 ** 1 lb. pinto beans $0.55 $0.57 +4% 10-lb. bag of potatoes $1.57 $1.94 +24% Navel oranges (per lb.) $0.69 $0.46 -33% 1 gal. homogenized milk $2.75 $2.67 -3% 1 lb. broccoli (fresh) $0.89 $0.77 -13% 8-oz. package of chocolate candy $1.64 $1.61* -2% Six-pack beer (12 oz. cans) $4.52 $3.57* -21% 1 doz. corn tortillas $0.59 $0.56 -5% 10-lb. bag dry dog food $6.18 * $5.81 -6% Super-concentrated detergent $7.63 * $7.40 -3% (30-load) Toilet tissue (4-roll package) $1.40 $1.34* -4%

Eating out

June Sept. % Chg. Fast-food cheeseburger $0.87 $0.89 +2%

Other goods and services

June Sept. % Chg. 1 gal gas. (unleaded self-serve) $1.310 $1.285 -2% 3-pack, boys Size 12 cotton briefs $4.48 $5.99 +34% Dry cleaning man’s two-piece suit $7.75 $7.88 +2% Professional drain cleaning $48.25 $45.75 -5% Manicure $7.60 $7.60 unchg.

* Includes at least one sale price. ** Less than 1% change.

*** Out of season. **** Monthly residential average provided by the utilities.

***** Average monthly residential cost unavailable; rates unchanged.
