
Nudity May Be Dangerous

There must be millions of viewers who were outraged by the blatant and unashamed nudity featured in the recent season premiere episode of “Civil Wars” (ABC, Sept. 30). At a time in the evening (10 p.m.) when sexually repressed and narrow-minded adults were innocently watching, this shocking display of naked human flesh was not only lewd but possibly dangerous as well. Not even a body stocking was used!

Do we want to become like those shameless Europeans, who are neither embarrassed by such vulgarity nor feel the need to even carry guns? This has to stop.

Let us get back to basic, familiar values of family TV--blood, knives, beating, guns and violence--which we can watch (unembarrassed) with our children.


It’s bad enough having to watch animals baring their bottoms on those dreadful nature programs without having to see human bodies without any electronic masking. Nudity on television? No! Goodness knows where it could lead.


