
Under the Helicopters

Enough is enough. “Bad day in Beirut,” frightened children, howling dogs . . . bull! (“Helicopter Noise Tiring,” Times Valley Edition Letters to the Editor, Oct. 6.)

I have been a resident of Studio City for 22 years. I must live in a different Studio City.

I sleep well, except for an occasional Police or Fire Department helicopter. For Susan B. Winston and the rest of the uninformed individuals out there, traffic reporters fly in single-engine, fixed-wing aircraft--not helicopters. TV stations that use helicopters are normally on the ground by nightfall for obvious reasons.

I’m tired too. I’m tired of people who constantly complain about aircraft flying over their homes. Who forced them into buying a house near an airport? Who forced them into living under a flight path? You mean to tell me that the planes weren’t there then? Give me a break, people.


The neighborhood gardeners’ leaf blowers and edge trimmers that go seven days a week and at all hours make more noise than all the helicopters combined.

I guess you can expect anything from someone who thinks that Studio City sounds like a war movie soundtrack. I invite anyone to come over and sit in my back yard and listen to a bad day in Beirut. You’ll hear more noise from my cat than from the sky.

GENE H. deREULLE, Studio City
