
LOS ALAMITOS : 3 New Members Appointed to Panels

The City Council recently appointed two new members of the Parks and Recreation Commission and one to the Personnel Appeals Commission.

Brad Cameron and Timothy McMahon joined three others who were reappointed to the seven-member Parks and Recreation Commission. Viki Howard was named to the five-member Personnel Appeals Commission.

The appointments were made after the entire council interviewed the applicants.

Cameron will serve until September, 1995. McMahon will fill a vacant term that expires in December, 1993. Reappointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission were Janet D’Agostino, Betty Creasy and Marilyn Poe. Their terms end in 1995.


Howard will serve until August, 1996. Also reappointed was Tom Rothwell, who has served on the Personnel Appeals Commission since 1984. His term expires in 1996.
