
No Debate on Election in 29th Senate District

Mike Ward’s article (Times, Oct. 11) about our local candidate debates misses the crucial point.

It was Congressman David Dreier who challenged his opponents to debate. The date and the format of the debate is determined by the sponsor, the nonpartisan League of Women Voters, not by the candidates. David Dreier is one of the few representatives to debate his fellow candidates.

Leave it to the L.A. Times to leave out some facts to try and distort the issue.



Editor’s Note: Hill said he cannot attend the forum because of a commitment that night to speak at a fund-raiser for an Assembly candidate in Orange County. However, he accepted an invitation to a forum before the Whittier Board of Realtors last Thursday.


Dreier issued his debate challenge at the same time the Claremont League of Women Voters invited him and other candidates to the forum. Dreier’s Democratic opponent, Al Wachtel, proposed a series of debates throughout the district, but Dreier declined.
