
CHESS RESULTS : Spassky Keeps Hopes Alive With Win

Underdog Boris Spassky defeated Bobby Fischer on Thursday in the 26th game of their $5-million chess rematch, keeping alive the slim hope that he can stop Fischer from attaining a match-ending 10th victory.

Fischer leads 9-5, with 12 draws. One more victory by Fischer would give him the winner’s share--$3.35 million. If Spassky were to rack up four more victories, tying the match at 9-9, the two would split the prize money evenly. The next game is scheduled for Saturday.

The moves of Thursday’s game are listed below.

Spassky-Fischer 26: 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 c5 3 d5 d6 4 Nc3 g6 5 e4 Bg7 6 Bd3 0-0 7 Nf3 Bg4 8 h3 Bxf3 9 Qxf3 Nbd7 10 Qd1 e6 11 0-0 exd5 12 exd5 Ne8 13 Bd2 Ne5 14 Be2 f5 15 f4 Nf7 16 g4 Nh6 17 Kg2 Nc7 18 g5 Nf7 19 Rb1 Re8 20 Bd3 Rb8 21 h4 a6 22 Qc2 b5 23 b3 Rb7 24 Rbe1 Rxe1 25 Rxe1 Qb8 26 Bc1 Qd8 27 Ne2 bxc4 28 bxc4 Ne8 29 h5 Re7 30 h6 Bh8 31 Bd2 Rb7 32 Rb1 Qb8 33 Ng3 Rxb1 34 Qxb1 Qxb1 35 Bxb1 Bb2 36 Kf3 Kf8 37 Ke2 Nh8 38 Kd1 Ke7 39 Kc2 Bd4 40 Kb3 Bf2 41 Nh1 Bh4 42 Ka4 Nc7 43 Ka5 Kd7 44 Kb6 Kc8 45 Bc2 Nf7 46 Ba4 Kb8 47 Bd7 Nd8 48 Bc3 Na8+ 49 Kxa6 Nc7+ 50 Kb6 Na8+ 51 Ka5 Kb7 52 Kb5 Nc7+ 53 Ka4 Na8 54 Kb3 Kc7 55 Be8 Kc8 56 Bf6 Nc7 57 Bxg6 hxg6 58 Bxd8, black resigns.
