
SAILING : Bertrand Breezes to Easy Victory

John Bertrand outsailed everybody except the U.S. Navy on Friday in winning the first race of the weekend’s U.S. Formula One Yachting Grand Prix.

Despite a close encounter with a destroyer returning to port on the second of six laps around an 8 1/2-mile course inside San Diego Bay, Bertrand led at all 14 marks and by a comfortable 64 seconds at the finish.

France’s Marc Pajot was second, 12 seconds ahead of Britain’s Harold Cudmore-Chris Law entry, with San Diego’s Dennis Conner and J.J. Isler at the rear.


Conner’s crew discovered a floating body while sailing around the bay before the race. Apparently, it was that of a Navy sailor who had jumped off the Coronado Bridge and had been in the water several days. The Navy did not release further details.

Single races are scheduled today and Sunday at 1:30 p.m., after warm-up races at 11 a.m.
