
LAUSD Hearing

The public hearings to present arguments to break up the Los Angeles Unified School District, which were held Feb. 2, were a total travesty and showed that our elected officials have total disregard for those who traveled long distances and took time off from work in order to speak before the panel chaired by state Sen. Gary Hart (D-Santa Barbara).

My daughter, who was to present arguments at approximately 11:30 a.m., was not even given a chance to speak because LAUSD board members and City Council members “pulled rank” and spoke when it was convenient for them. By 3:30, we could wait no longer.

Sens. Hart and David Roberti (D-Van Nuys), next time that you convene public hearings, I will bear in mind that “public” must mean that the public can come to listen to the rhetoric of elected officials and that you really do not care what the “public” has to say.


How sad that my daughter was left with the feeling that her voice is totally unimportant.


