
ORANGE COUNTY LETTERS : Hillary Clinton’s Joining an Admirable Group

Thanks for the fine Hillary column (“Woman’s Place in the House Is Free for All,” Jan. 26 Dianne Klein column). This gifted, concerned and responsible woman has been kicked around for over a year now, primarily by a band of political bozos who skinned their knuckles on her husband without success and turned to an easier mark.

In my earlier years, they were considered bullies, and their unprincipled and unwarranted assaults on a woman of distinction evoked public outrage. Eleanor Roosevelt suffered through many a year of conscienceless abuse by her husband’s political enemies and emerged as the outstanding American woman of the 20th Century. This old man strongly believes that Ms. Clinton has the potential to equal Ms. Roosevelt’s accomplishments and that she will join that select and admirable group of Presidents’ wives who mattered.


Laguna Hills
