
Health Care Reform Debate

After reading your article on health care (“Health Package Dilemma: What Should It Cover?” Feb. 14) I became quite frightened at the prospect of health care reform if the debate is left in the hands of the Establishment. We do not want health care reform that provides everyone with health care insurance, we want health care. Insurance companies do not provide health care, they provide paperwork. That paperwork costs us 27 cents on every health care dollar we spend.

Secondly, I would like to inform you that the special interests quoted as converging on Washington, namely the “mental health people, substance abuse people, AIDS people etc.,” are not special interests. We are the people who want and need health care! The special interests that are converging on Washington and spreading millions, possibly billions, of dollars to secure their interests are the insurance companies, hospital associations, drug companies and the American Medical Assn. The only fair and the cheapest solution is a single-payer national health care system that provides equal access, choice of provider, comprehensive benefits and affordability.


San Diego
