
LANCASTER : City Volunteers to Survey Residents

To find out what Lancaster residents have on their minds, the city next week will launch the largest survey in its history.

Beginning Wednesday, 120 volunteers will begin telephoning residents at random, asking them if they are willing to rank proposed solutions to city problems and to suggest ways of improving the quality of life.

If they agree to participate, the volunteers will send them a four-page questionnaire.

The goal is to get at least 1,500 people to respond.

The survey is part of a $71,000 program to involve citizens in solving problems in the areas of public safety, economic development, education and city government.


Forms will be available at City Hall from March 11 to 24.

In addition, residents who are not contacted but wish to complete a survey may call 723-5900 to receive one.

A community recommendation will be collected in a report to be presented to the City Council in April for consideration in preparing the 1993-94 city budget.
