
Flowers to Be Magic’s Guest at Laker Game

John Flowers will have a courtside seat at the Forum for Sunday’s NBA game between the Lakers and the Detroit Pistons, courtesy of Magic Johnson.

Flowers, a former Cal State Northridge basketball recruit, lost both legs as the result of injuries he sustained in an August car accident. Through a fund-raising campaign ignited by Jacques Hay, a Northridge basketball booster, and his 12-year-old son Josh, a Matador ballboy, Flowers’ plight came to the attention of Johnson last month.

At halftime of a game between Northridge and St. Mary’s, it was announced that Johnson had pledged $2,500 to the Flowers family, and also invited Flowers to attend a Laker game as his guest.


Jacques Hay and Valda Flowers, John’s mother, said Thursday that Flowers, who lives in Glendale, Ariz., would fly to Los Angeles for the game and receive his check from Johnson at halftime.
