
COSTA MESA : New Panel to Study Development Fees

Still reeling from state-imposed traffic impact fees, the development community will have a voice in setting future fees under a new committee created by the City Council.

In a unanimous decision Monday, the council decided to form a special committee to help oversee how much developers will contribute to help fund transportation projects.

The committee, which will be made up of city officials, two community members, a representative from the Chamber of Commerce and two members of the development community, will recommend to the council how future fees should be calculated. The final decision will rest with the council.


In June, the council adopted a $228 trip fee that developers will pay to the city. The fee is based on how many vehicle trips are generated daily by the development. For example, a single family home might generate 10 daily trips, making the fee $2,280.

The fees hit developers at a time when they are trying to survive the recession. Many expressed a willingness to work with the city staff in setting the rates, which led to the formation of the committee. The group will work throughout the year to come up with a proposed future rate. The council will make a decision in May or June, 1994.

“Hopefully, it will be something everybody can live with,” said William Morris, director of public services. “The intent is to be able to pay for needed improvements but not stifle development totally.”


All 31 cities in the county recently enacted the traffic fees. The rates in Costa Mesa will go into effect next month.
