
Ousters in Yorba Linda Were Political

I would like to respond to the article “Council Ousts Parks Commissioners” (Sept. 23). Mayor John M. Gullixson removed four of us from the Parks and Recreation Commission not because, as he said, staff had a problem with us but because Gullixson has a problem. We are four citizen volunteers trying to represent all facets of recreational opportunities in Yorba Linda.

Unlike Gullixson and his two puppets, Councilwoman Barbara Kiley and Councilman Daniel T. Welch, we have no political agendas and are not paid. We just wanted to help out. So when Gullixson saw his reelection campaign looming on the horizon and needed “a cause” and to pay back some of his political promises from the last campaigns, he chose to hatchet the relatively unknown parks commissioners. All this after his failed attempt to get the same commission expanded so he could appoint his friends.

Commissioners make recommendations. Council gives direction and staff carries it out. No problems. But anyone currently who takes exception to Gullixson’s weak attempts at creative math, falsehoods and half-truths can expect the same heavy-handed, dictatorial action that removed we four volunteers. It is indeed a sad day for Yorba Linda.



Yorba Linda
