
Cross-Dressing Spoof at High School

Re: Irvine school bans pep rally: I am dismayed at the lack of basic values taught in our schools. Making sexual gestures in front of the whole student body is simply wrong. However, the students aren’t at fault. It is the attitude of the school administrators. Why did it take a letter from a teacher to cancel this kind of garbage? Wake up, Mr. Principal, and stop waiting for the students to show leadership. Show leadership yourself and just maybe someone will follow. Couldn’t the administrators see the kind of values that pelvic thrusts, sexual gestures, crotch-grabbing, and songs such as “I Touch Myself” and “Like a Virgin” portray?

As a youth minister in Irvine, I am saddened that our kids have to see this kind of exhibition.

No wonder school vouchers look so attractive.


Associate minister, First Christian Church of Irvine
