
NIMBY Craziness Kills Beneficial Development

* I commend the column by Mr. Gideon Kanner entitled “When NIMBY Craziness Goes Bananas” (Valley Commentary, Dec. 5).

We developed the Center at Coldwater, including the Bistro Garden at Coldwater, which was referred to in Mr. Kanner’s article. As experienced developers, we were fully aware of the existing zoning and its permitted uses when we purchased the property.

Because of the irrational activities and baseless protests of a few neighbors and some of the neighboring homeowner groups not even located in Studio City, we encountered never-ending delays and tremendous architectural, construction and interest costs, which could not have been contemplated.


It has reached the point in Los Angeles where any developer would have to be out of his mind to try to develop a shopping center or other commercial project anywhere on Ventura Boulevard from Studio City to Calabasas.

Unless something changes for the better, the long-term result will be only old, unattractive buildings, which would be a shame for Ventura Boulevard, the San Fernando Valley and Los Angeles.


Studio City
