
OXNARD : Trustees to Weigh Naming School, Gym

Oxnard’s school trustees will attempt to sort out the politically charged process of naming schools and buildings in their district tonight.

The board will consider names for the gymnasium at the soon-to-be-opened Robert J. Frank Intermediate School and for a new school planned in northeast Oxnard.

The trustees have proposed forming a committee of Oxnard School District representatives and community members to consider names for both the building and the school.


Members of the largely Latino district have approached the board during recent meetings to express interest in the naming process.

“We need to make sure this board is not stacked against us,” said Carlos Aguilera, president of La Colonia Neighborhood Council. “Given the population of the district, a lot of people feel strongly that schools or buildings here should have a Hispanic name.”

Neither facility will likely be named soon, Supt. Norman Brekke said.

“I’m sure the board needs to take time to consider these decisions,” Brekke said. “Of course, with the naming of the school, this is very early to get started. We haven’t even purchased the land yet.”


The northeast Oxnard school is scheduled to open in 1997, and the Frank school will open in August.

Jim Suter, president of the trustees, said the board would try to establish the committees at the regular 7:30 p.m. meeting so they can begin the naming process right away.

“They’ll probably have a lot of options to consider,” Suter said. “Whatever names they end up using, I’m sure people will be happy with what’s decided.”
